Wouldn’t it be better to plant tree saplings instead of promotional materials?
This is the goal for the Group
To ensure that the tree sapling is included in the existing promotional promotional materials. Formation and mobilization of a perception of Social Responsibility and Social Benefits instead of individual gifts and satisfaction in the internal perception of the company.
Captain is the target for the group
Planting tree seedlings on behalf of the participants of all communication meetings we will attend.
Not using the traditional promotional and promotional materials that we give every year. Instead of activating the change of perception with tree seedlings.
And to carry out the planting of tree seedlings in the amount of 100,000 pieces.
Application for Captain Group
We have removed the traditional in-house gift-promotion. We have started planting tree seedlings in the name of the person we will give a personal gift to. We planted 50,000 seedlings at different addresses.
The result is in 2 years;
- We planted 50,000 tree saplings at 5 different addresses.< / li>
- 3 we October a sapling of ağac instead of a promotion to all participants at the sponsorship meeting.
- Since 2008, we have not used traditional promotional materials as a Group.< / li>