Iron and Steel - Sustainability
Life Cycle Analysis is an environmental tool that examines the environmental performances applied to the products and methods used from the beginning of the 1980s to the present “from the cradle to the grave”. The life cycle is a method of assessing the environmental impacts of products and processes throughout their lifecycle, including the acquisition of raw materials, their manufacture, use, final disposal and all intermediate shipping stages. Comprehensive inventories of all energy, water and material inputs and the waste and emissions involved in these stages are compiled and evaluated together, and the potential environmental effects of the products are calculated. Our products are produced by recycling reclaimed steel products. Steel is the building material with the highest economic recycling rate worldwide. Structural steels, 99% recovered, can be recycled endlessly. "We are trying to positively affect the life cycle of the products we manufacture, starting with scrap suppliers, from the port where the scrap is loaded to the end user, in a traceable way" At the beginning of our sustainability goals are supporting the life cycle in steel production, promoting reuse and thus contributing to the recycling of waste. To reduce energy consumption, to protect raw material resources. To reduce possible impacts on transportation activities. To consider responsible procurement principles in the supply chain. It is preferred that the suppliers are from EU and OECD countries, and whether the countries not from EU and OECD their ILO conventions and their compliance are investigated. Environmental Product Declaration Report (EPD) For Sustainable Development and a Livable World;Respect for Nature, Respect for Human and Respect for Work.